Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Review: Indiscretion by Hannah Fielding

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. My opinion is my own.

Man, I am on a roll choosing to read and review books that I am not in the mood for. Indiscretion scraped me raw emotionally and I eventually gave up just after the 60% mark. I couldn't deal with all the drama and heartache. On the other hand, I did appreciate the unique setting - 1950s Andalusia, and it had in-depth scene-setting and character-building, to say the least. However, there were also some other aspects that kept me from enjoying Indiscretion

The writing was, at times, very florid, and everything was always described in such detail, which was sometimes atmospheric and sometimes excruciating. The female characters - with the exception of our kind, virginal heroine - were all horribly cruel, not to mention the male characters. The hero was a sullen man-whore, and I couldn't stand the way the heroine's father treated her. Actually, I couldn't really stand the way anybody treated anyone. That's my brief take. 

I haven't given Indiscretion a star rating, because I didn't finish it and that seems unfair. Instead, I've brainstormed people for whom this book might work for, and people who might have a similar response to me. 

This book might be a hit with:
  • People who like/feel like reading something stylistically similar to old school epic saga romances of old, complete with dynastic complications and loads of angst. 
  • People with time on their hands.
  • People who make forays into women's fiction and literary fiction.

This book might not be a hit with:
  • People who have had enough of the real world at the moment and want to read for escapism. 
  • People who don't want to deal with the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, a barely reformed hero and duplicitous and cruel family members. 
  • People who will become impatient with pages of descriptions and backstory.

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